Week 8_The First Week Doing ICT Action PLan


When we began our action research project, we initially struggled to narrow our focus and identify a clear problem to address. After discussion, we decided to focus on improving students' pronunciation skills using Flip.

Our students are at an IELTS level of 4.0, so pronunciation is an area that could be strengthened to help improve their overall English proficiency. In the first two weeks, our topic was intonation, specifically word and sentence stress. Being able to correctly stress words and structure sentences with a natural rhythm is important for intelligible pronunciation.

In the first week, our goal was to introduce students to using the Flip app to complete tasks independently to practice target pronunciation skills outside of class. We assigned them a listening task on the Spotlight English website to shadow audio recordings about different shoes from around the world. This task aimed to practice word and sentence stress.

We gave instructions to the students on how to follow along with the audio and upload video recordings of themselves to the Flip app for assessment and feedback. However, in implementing this first task, we encountered some challenges. The students did not seem as engaged or enthusiastic about the activity as we had hoped. Additionally, some struggled with the technical aspects of uploading their videos to the app independently.

This revealed that simply assigning pronunciation tasks through an app was not enough preparation or guidance for the students. It highlighted the need for clearer explanation and demonstration of how to use the specific tools required. 

Overall, this initial attempt uncovered valuable lessons about better preparing students both technically and motivationally for flipped learning. With refinements to instruction and communication, we hope to implement it more smoothly going forward to help enhance their pronunciation development.

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